Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sugar-free year starts!

Previously, I stopped eating sugar from November 7, 2007 to mid-January 2008, mainly as a way of keeping a dear brother in my thoughts when he was undergoing a difficult situation.

Each time I declined sugar, I thought of him -- kind of a silly connection, perhaps, but it worked. I had never been able to break the sugar addiction for my own sake, but somehow I was able to do it for him.

Then in January his situation resolved safely, the entire family breathed a sigh of relief, and I leapt back into sucrose-land. Bring on the chocolate truffles! Three months later, I'm puffy, spotty, and always wondering where my next sugar hit is coming from. Enough!

I hope that this blog will keep me on track with attempt #2, and that I'll be able to encounter/support others with similar goals.

Other motivations:
  • Health/vanity/curiousity -- when I gave up sugar for two months, I noticed significantly clearer skin, reduced appetite, and more energy. What will the effects be over the longer term?
  • Personal challenge -- will I have the discipline to achieve this?
Wish me luck!

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